Saturday, May 5, 2012

I am Hezekiah Ahaz's God

11:07 PM PDT

My wife says I am God.

I believe her.

Here is proof:

To date, I have been able to predict the actions of one Christian Apologist, Hezekiah Ahaz.

Today after writing this, I will publish a blog post at

This will be able the inconsistencies of the New Testament of the Christian Bible.

This will compel Hezekiah to post a response once made aware of this post.

He will refute stating that these inconsistencies are explained either in another book or through a philosophical explanation. I do not expect him to quote what Sye states, which is that he knows this through revelation. It may be a better argument in the end.

With this prediction, I am proving the rest of my wife's claim, which is as follows:

I am a shaman.

BibleGod was a shaman leader of a warrior tribe that both knew people was able to manipulate his followers, resulting in "the victor writes history."

Hezekiah claims to speak to BibleGod through prayer, Hezekiah speaks to me through the internet or "magic communication" in the time of the writings of the bible.

Hezekiah is compelled by the word of god, my writings compel him to respond, meaning he is compelled to do my will, as is shown by my writing of this, which dictates that I desire him to respond to my writing.